
middle name的词源解释,middle name来源

middle name(n.)

"中间位于名字和姓氏之间的个人名称部分",1815年,来自 middle(形容词)+ name(名词)。作为“一个人的杰出特征”,口语,来自1911年的美国英语。

According to Mr. H.A. Hamilton, in his "Quarter Sessions from Queen Elizabeth," the practice of giving children two Christian names was unknown in England before the period of the Stuarts, was rarely adopted down to the time of the Revolution, and never became common until after the Hanoverian family was seated on the throne. "In looking through so many volumes of county records," he says, "I have, of course, seen many thousands and tens of thousands of proper names, belonging to men of all ranks and degrees,—to noblemen, justices, jurymen, witnesses, sureties, innkeepers, hawkers, paupers, vagrants, criminals, and others,—and in no single instance, down to the end of the reign of Anne, have I noticed any person bearing more than one Christian name ...." [Walsh] 
根据 H·A·汉密尔顿先生在他的《伊丽莎白女王的季度会议》一书中的说法,在斯图亚特王朝时期之前,英格兰没有给孩子起两个基督教名字的习惯,在革命时期之前很少采用,直到汉诺威家族登上王位之后才变得普遍。他说:“在查阅如此多的县记录卷时,我当然看到了成千上万的适当名称,属于各种等级和程度的男人,贵族,法官,陪审员,证人,担保人,旅店老板,小贩,乞丐,流浪汉,罪犯和其他人,但在安妮女王时代结束之前的任何一个时期,我都没有注意到任何人有超过一个基督教名字....”[沃尔什]
